Known for our engagement strategies and techniques that place an emphasis on increasing the volume and variety of participation.
Within any organization or community, people have vastly different ideas and sensitivities. Any effort to engage stakeholders in planning constitutes an opportunity for the stakeholders to contribute to ideas and to offer opinions.
Outreach and engagement is all about gathering input across multiple groups of people with a variety of perspectives and making them all feel invested in a project.
Community Consultants are challenged to improve the process of dialogue and deliberation with stakeholders and to offer more innovative ways to enhance stakeholder understanding of the many complexities.
““We believe that an informed citizenry is critical to assure a community its rightful opportunity to make meaningful choices about their own future.””
We help you to engage with purpose, whether it be to guide through major change, drive projects forward or influence behavior change. We provide advisory services on complex and controversial projects.
We work with boards, senior executives and project directors to deliver evidence-based and well-reasoned advice. Engagement is a must have for governance and private sector organizations whose work impacts on communities.